Advanced Usages

Pass list of packages to install within a Dockerfile RUN command

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8
RUN micromamba install -y -n base -c conda-forge \
       pyopenssl=20.0.1 \
       python=3.9.1 \
       requests=2.25.1 && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

Using a lockfile

Pinning a package to a version string doesn’t guarantee the exact same package file is retrieved each time. A lockfile utilizes package hashes to ensure package selection is reproducible. A lockfile can be generated using conda-lock or micromamba:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/tmp" \
   mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8 /bin/bash -c "\
     micromamba create --yes --name new_env --file env.yaml \
     && micromamba env export --name new_env --explicit" > env.lock

The lockfile can then be used to install into the pre-existing base conda environment:

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env.lock /tmp/env.lock
RUN micromamba install --name base --yes --file /tmp/env.lock \
    && micromamba clean --all --yes

Or the lockfile can be used to create and populate a new conda environment:

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env.lock /tmp/env.lock
RUN micromamba create --name my_env_name --yes --file /tmp/env.lock \
    && micromamba clean --all --yes

When a lockfile is used to create an environment, the micromamba create ... command does not query the package channels or execute the solver. Therefore using a lockfile has the added benefit of reducing the time to create a conda environment.

Multiple environments

For most use cases you will only want a single conda environment within your derived image, but you can create multiple conda environments:

FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env1.yaml /tmp/env1.yaml
COPY --chown=$MAMBA_USER:$MAMBA_USER env2.yaml /tmp/env2.yaml
RUN micromamba create -y -f /tmp/env1.yaml && \
    micromamba create -y -f /tmp/env2.yaml && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

You can then set the active environment by passing the ENV_NAME environment variable like:

docker run -e ENV_NAME=env2 my_multi_conda_image

Changing the user id or name

The default username is stored in the environment variable MAMBA_USER, and is currently mambauser. (Before 2022-01-13 it was micromamba, and before 2021-06-30 it was root.) Micromamba-docker can be run with any UID/GID by passing the docker run ... command the --user=UID:GID parameters. Running with --user=root is supported.

There are two supported methods for changing the default username to something other than mambauser:

  1. If rebuilding this image from scratch, the default username mambauser can be adjusted by passing --build-arg MAMBA_USER=new-username to the docker build command. User id and group id can be adjusted similarly by passing --build-arg MAMBA_USER_ID=new-id --build-arg MAMBA_USER_GID=new-gid

  2. When building an image FROM an existing micromamba image,

    FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8
    ARG NEW_MAMBA_USER=new-username
    USER root
    RUN if grep -q '^ID=alpine$' /etc/os-release; then \
          # alpine does not have usermod/groupmod
          apk add --no-cache --virtual temp-packages shadow; \
        fi && \
        usermod "--login=${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" "--home=/home/${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" \
            --move-home "-u ${NEW_MAMBA_USER_ID}" "${MAMBA_USER}" && \
        groupmod "--new-name=${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" \
            "-g ${NEW_MAMBA_USER_GID}" "${MAMBA_USER}" && \
        if grep -q '^ID=alpine$' /etc/os-release; then \
          # remove the packages that were only needed for usermod/groupmod
          apk del temp-packages; \
        fi && \
        # Update the expected value of MAMBA_USER for the
        # consistency check.
        echo "${NEW_MAMBA_USER}" > "/etc/arg_mamba_user" && \

Disabling automatic activation

It is assumed that users will want their environment automatically activated whenever running this container. This behavior can be disabled by setting the environment variable MAMBA_SKIP_ACTIVATE=1.

For example, to open an interactive bash shell without activating the environment:

docker run --rm -it -e MAMBA_SKIP_ACTIVATE=1 mambaorg/micromamba bash

Details about automatic activation

At container runtime, activation occurs by default at two possible points:

  1. The end of the ~/.bashrc file, which is loaded by interactive non-login Bash shells.

  1. The ENTRYPOINT script, which is automatically prepended to docker run commands.

The activation in ~/.bashrc ensures that the environment is activated in interactive terminal sessions, even when switching between users.

The ENTRYPOINT script ensures that the environment is also activated for one-off commands when Docker is used non-interactively.

Setting MAMBA_SKIP_ACTIVATE=1 disables both of these automatic activation methods.

Adding micromamba to an existing Docker image

Adding micromamba functionality to an existing Docker image can be accomplished like this:

# bring in the micromamba image so we can copy files from it
FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8 as micromamba

# This is the image we are going add micromaba to:
FROM tomcat:9-jdk17-temurin-focal

USER root

# if your image defaults to a non-root user, then you may want to make the
# next 3 ARG commands match the values in your image. You can get the values
# by running: docker run --rm -it my/image id -a
ARG MAMBA_USER=mambauser
ENV MAMBA_EXE="/bin/micromamba"

COPY --from=micromamba "$MAMBA_EXE" "$MAMBA_EXE"
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=micromamba /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/

RUN /usr/local/bin/ && \


SHELL ["/usr/local/bin/"]

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
# Optional: if you want to customize the ENTRYPOINT and have a conda
# environment activated, then do this:
# ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/", "my_entrypoint_program"]

# You can modify the CMD statement as needed....
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

# Optional: you can now populate a conda environment:
RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge \
      jq && \
    micromamba clean --all --yes

On docker exec ...

Your experience using docker exec ... may not match your expectations for automatic environment activation ( #128, #233) docker exec ... <command> executes <command> directly, without an entrypoint or login/interactive shell. There is no known way to automatically (and correctly) trigger conda environment activation for a command run through docker exec ....

The recommended method to explicitly activate your environment when using docker exec ... is:

docker exec <container> micromamba run -n <environment_name> <command>

If you want to use the base environment, you can omit -n <environment_name>.

An alternative method to trigger activation is to explicitly run your command within an interactive bash shell with -i:

docker exec <container> bash -i -c "<command>"

Finally, you can modify the PATH at build-time to approximate an activated environment during docker exec:

ENV PATH "$MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX/bin:$PATH"  # Not a preferred method!


Modifying PATH will not work in all cases, such as multiple conda environments within a single image.

Use of the ENTRYPOINT command within a Dockerfile

The mambaorg/micromaba Dockerfile makes use of the ENTRYPOINT command:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]


If a derived image overrides this ENTRYPOINT configuration, then some of the automatic conda environment activation functionality will break.

If you wish to modify the entrypoint for a derived image while retaining automatic conda environment activation, then append your command to the end of the ENTRYPOINT list:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/", ""]

Use of the SHELL command within a Dockerfile

The mambaorg/micromaba Dockerfile makes use of the SHELL command:

SHELL ["/usr/local/bin/"]


If a derived image overrides this SHELL configuration, then some of the automatic conda environment activation functionality will break.